The Piggy Bank

  • Archana Kapoor Nagpal
  • India
  • Jun 28, 2013



 “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” - Henry James

It had been a year, and I was about to complete my course in French. I had met Valerio on the very first day of class. He was a native of Italy, and had joined French classes so that he could make a career as a translator. Valerio and I became the best of friends. We used to often meet for coffee in the evenings, at the Piazza Navona in Rome. Both of us were music lovers, and it was the right place to enjoy live music - albeit a bit noisy when crowded. 

We enjoyed French theatre over the weekends. And every Sunday he would drive to my apartment to pick me for dinner at his place, with his family. His mother, Daniella, was a good cook, and I always relished her home-made lasagna, and a traditional Italian pizza topped with seasonal vegetables. Frank was an ideal father, and it was always a pleasure to enjoy a glass of Martini with him. 

Valerio had been (water) surfing for seven years and had a deep passion for it. He lived in a small room, that could barely accommodate two people - but there was a huge surfing board next to his study table. The piggy bank on this study table always caught my attention. Whenever I asked Valerio about his savings, he would point to it - and then both of us would burst into laughter. He always promised that he would gift his piggy bank to me on my birthday, which was coincidentally the last day of our French class. I was inquisitive, as he always seemed to be putting his savings in the piggy bank.

On the last day of the class, after we were awarded our certificates, Valerio took me for an Italian lunch to Via Nazionale. I was touched by Valerio’s gesture, to make me feel special on my birthday. After our three-course meal, we could not resist some exotic Italian desserts served with molten-flavoured chocolate.

We planned to go to his apartment, as he was leaving for France in another two days. He had got a lucrative job offer, and I could understand his excitement for the new project. I was also planning to return to India after a year’s stay in Italy.   I received a warm welcome at Valerio’s residence, as his family knew it was my birthday. Frank gifted me a bottle of wine. Daniella had made my all-time favourite tiramisu. I was busy talking to Valerio’s parents when I saw Valerio walking towards me with a gift in his hand. I excitedly snatched the gift. I was opening the gift when Valerio held my hand, persuading me to open it later. I hugged him and wished him luck. I was feeling restless, and wanted to quickly reach home to open Valerio’s gift. 

I opened the door to my apartment and rushed to my room. I excitedly opened the gift, and broke into a big grin. It was Valerio’s piggy bank, along with an envelope. I opened the envelope and found a letter and a key in it. I started reading his letter, and was immensely touched by his words. “Firstly, I want to wish you a joyous life. We might not meet or see each other quite often in life, but you will always be my best friend. As I promised you, with this letter you will find your birthday gift – my piggy bank. This piggy bank belongs to my sister Maria. She died in a road accident, and the piggy bank is the only memory that I have of her. For the last one year I have tried to practice various acts of kindness, then writtten about them and put those notes in the box. I do these acts for the peace of my sister’s soul. I am gifting you Maria’s piggy bank, and request that you perform this task in India. I think that living for others is like leaving a part of ourselves in this world. This is my only saving, and my gift for you. I could not think of a better gift for a true friend.

I unlocked the piggy bank and started reading all the pieces of paper. It took me hours to read Valerio’s tributes to his sister – like paying the toll tax for a car behind him; or helping a blind woman cross the road; or painting the walls for his elderly neighbours….I was overwhelmed by this brother’s love for his sister. Each act of kindness inculcated a feeling in me to be a better person. After a few hours I called Valerio, and politely thanked him –
‘Grazie Mille’.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” - Mother Teresa 

Internationally published author of
‘14 Pearls of Inspiration’ and the ‘12 Facets of a Crystal’


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