Enzyme Boosting Foods Part II

  • Jaspal Bajwa
  • India
  • Oct 05, 2012



The proper breakdown of ingested foods into usable components is critical for the proper absorption of nutrients. A diet rich in enzymes increases energy and stamina, and supports overall good health. However, a heavy reliance on cooked foods, combined with our body’s reduced ability to produce enzymes as we age, prevents us from taking the maximum benefit from Nature’s gift of enzymatic catalysts. Over time, this pushes us over the edge into the abyss of chronic diseases.

In ancient times man understood the enzymatic key to better nutrition intuitively, through closely observing nature, and direct experience. Reliance on raw, seasonal foods, as well as fermented foods (yoghurts, kefir, sauerkraut) and sprouted foods was the norm. Now there is mounting clinical evidence that supports the use of digestive enzymes for a wide range of digestive insufficiency and gastro-intestinal disorders – like malabsorption, pancreatic insufficiency, celiac disease and lactose intolerance.

Most digestive enzymes are produced in our body. As food begins its journey, salivary amylase is the first enzyme it encounters. Digestive Enzymes, however, are very specific; like a `lock and key`, each enzyme is equipped to work on a particular food. Having looked at Proteases (in Part 1), we focus in this write up on enzymes which help us break down carbohydrates, starches, and sugars. 

Amylase is secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth. The process of breaking down complex sugars and starches continues in the small intestine, where the bulk of digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place. As an example, pancreatic amylase converts starches into maltose and other simpler sugars (like glucose), and bile from the liver and gallbladder emulsifies fat into smaller particles. Amylase not only digests carbohydrates, but also dead white blood cells(pus).It is also involved in anti-inflammatory reactions. 

Lipase is an enzyme that our body uses to break down (burn) fats, so they can be absorbed in the intestines. Lipase is produced in the pancreas as also in the mouth and stomach. Lipase deficiency may lead to high cholesterol or triglyceride levels, and a tendency towards obesity and diabetes. Another downside could be low cell permeability, which lowers the cell`s efficiency to take in nutrients and eliminate waste matter. Lipase is readily available in good quality fats, such as Omega 3 fatty acids from Flax seeds and cold water fish

Lactase is made in the small intestine, and helps break down milk sugars(lactose). Lactose intolerance is usually caused by a deficiency of this enzyme

Tip of the week

All digestive enzymes should preferably be plant based. This is very important, as plant based enzymes work under nearly all pH environments – including the acidic environment in the stomach. Animal based enzymes, on the other hand, work only in low pH conditions, and hence do not begin their action till the food crosses the stomach. This is particularly relevant for any one already suffering from digestive problems, like hypochlorhydria - a condition produced by the lack of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices.

Nature’s Wonder Foods of the week  :  Raw and Sprouted Foods

Most seasonal fruits and vegetables are loaded with enzymes. Any form of heating (including steaming or microwaving) destroys most of the enzymes, making foods harder to digest. Eating raw fruits and vegetables improves overall digestion. The same holds true for most Nuts and Seeds, which are rich in lipase, amylase and protease. Common nuts and seeds include almonds, cashew nuts, chestnuts, barley, buckwheat, oats, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. Ideally nuts and seeds too should be eaten raw

Sprouts are the germinated seeds of many different types of grains or beans. Germination requires soaking the seeds in water for 24-48 hours. Sprouting optimizes the life force and the nutrient content. Sprouts are super-charged with nutrients, and may contain more than 100 times more enzymes than fruits and vegetables. In addition, enzyme inhibitors are washed away. Freshly germinated sprouts are best, since that is when the enzymes are most concentrated. The most common sprouts include mung bean sprouts, barley sprouts, chickpeas and alfalfa sprouts

Fermented dairy products use substances like yeast, bacteria or other micro-organisms to partially break-down the lactose, making them easier to digest. Probiotic yoghurts which contain live bacteria, sour cream, cottage cheese, edam and cheddar cheeses are some examples

A lactase substitute manufactured from a fungus like Aspergillus niger  is available in most health food stores as a nutritional supplement. When added to milk and milk products it brings the benefits of calcium rich dairy products within the reach of lactose-intolerant individuals. υ

Registered Holistic Nutritionist
(Canadian School of Natural Nutrition) For education purposes only; always consult a healthcare practitioner for medical conditions


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